Monday 7 July 2014

Video interview with Sia Gazis

Fiona introduced Sia and Michael, and suggested they create an interview-style promotion together for the introductory massage course. Using some footage and photography shot by Lauren, Michael shot and edited 15-20 minutes of additional footage down to 4 minutes.

The editing was done in a free, professional-grade software called Lightworks (free for a mildly limited version). There’s a learning curve, of course, but michael would definitely recommend this software to anyone who doesn’t have access to iMovie.

If you have iMovie.. use that instead. 

Future suggestions:

Any teachers who are interested in creating video with their students, to suit any kind of language or literacy learning activity, please come and talk with Michael.

“I would love to work with teachers & students to make video,” he says. This could suit genres such as explanation, instruction, personal narrative or recount, or even conversation.