Wednesday 13 May 2015

Great session at RNH - many iPad questions!!

We had a terrific session down at the Reservoir Neighbourhood House the other week (21 April).

Four teachers, 4 iPads, 1 windows laptop and one projector.

Here are the questions & topics we started with. So many questions, some still unanswered.

PD register on the google drive, and other forms
  • People were having trouble with the PD register, but we found out that Peter has put iPad-friendly link on the intranet. Thanks Peter!! *

The TV and the iPad 

Yes, we do need the appleTV to broadcast to the TV. We're not sure if people at the RNH will have access to an appleTV. So, what are the alternatives?
  • A long HDMi cable and an iPad-to-Hdmi adaptor
  • or plug the iPad into a data projector using this cable / adaptor option
  • Let's find out more about the appleTV option.. Fraser? 

Looking for some teaching suggestions for very low level language and literacy